Version 2.89
Genome Detective Virus Tool
Genome Detective Virus Tool Version 2.89
May 2023: Genome Detective has been reorganized. Virus identification and subtyping tools remain available on this page, but all analysis starting from FASTQ files have been permanently moved to the new Genome Detective Platform. The Genome Detective Platform supports metagenomic, WGS, amplicon and barcoding analysis of FASTQ files for Virus, Bacteria, Fungi and Parasites (Fungi, Parasites and barcoding (16S/ITS) are available in Beta test upon request). The platform includes long-term data management (storage, retrieval, annotation, search) and intra-sample analysis tools.
The Genome Detective Virus tool (this webpage) offers two functions:
- The identification of reassembled viral genomes (FASTA files)
- Virus subtyping tools: phylogenetic genotyping of a reassembled viral genome to obtain the sub-species type. The list of available subtyping tools is at the bottom of this page.
Choose type of input file
What kind of input file do you have?
- FASTQ: The analysis of fastq file for short read (Illumina, IonTorrent, ...) or long read (Oxford Nanopore Technologies, PacBio, ...) has been transferred to the Genome Detective Platform. Please submit your fastq files there.
- FASTA consensus sequences: You can submit FASTA files below.
Submit one or more FASTA sequences to be typed individually. If you have raw NGS reads (short
reads or long reads), please use the
Genome Detective Platform to assemble first. Subtyping tools will be linked in the results.
Click here to load some sample data.
click or drop file
Revisit results from a previous run
Available tools
Subtyping tools, identifying subspecies using phylogenetic analysis, are currently available for 22 viruses.
You can submit sequences in FASTA format. To obtain a consensus sequence from a FASTQ file obtained from an NGS sequencer, use the Genome Detective Platform. The Genome Detective Platform will automatically perform a subtyping analysis for the supported viruses.
- Chikungunya Typing Tool
- Coronavirus Typing Tool
- Dengue Typing Tool
- Enterovirus typing tool
- HCV Recombinant Typing Tool
- HHV82 Virus Typing Tool
- HTLV-1 and 2 Typing Tool
- Hepatitis A Virus Genotyping Tool
- Hepatitis B Virus
- Hepatitis E Virus Genotyping Tool
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus Typing Tool
- Influenza A SubTyping Tool
- Measles Virus TypingTool
- MonkeyPox Virus
- Norovirus Typing tool
- Oropouche Virus typing tool
- Panviral Tool
- Rift Valley Fever Virus
- Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus Typing Tool
- West Nile Virus
- Yellow Fever Virus Typing Tool
- Zika Virus Typing Tool